We offer three levels of plans. To purchase and view more information, click here. Each level determines the features available to you. View the chart below to see the features for each plan level and read below to view a short description of each feature. When you're ready to upgrade, please let us know!
Sync Zendesk Ticket, User, Orgs to Sugar (Professional) - Using this feature enables data to sync from Zendesk to your CRM. The default settings of this feature syncs Zendesk ticket, requester, and organization fields to your CRM as cases, contacts, and accounts.
Customize what syncs to Sugar (Ultimate) - When syncing Zendesk data to your CRM, this feature enables you to customize what's synced to the CRM. This process is flexible and supports custom modules and fields. See more about this feature here.
Sync Contacts from Sugar to Zendesk (Ultimate) - Automatically sync all CRM contacts to Zendesk. As customers reach out to you in Zendesk, their CRM contact will already exist in Zendesk as your Zendesk agents interact with them. This feature also allows you to easily create end-user Zendesk accounts for your customers so that they can log in and use your Zendesk web portal.
Customize Zendesk App View (Professional and above) - Data that appears in the Zendesk app can be customized to ensure Zendesk agents have just the information they need. This feature enables you to pull fields and modules that don't appear in the default view. More information about this feature can be found here. All modules and fields, including custom modules and fields, are supported.
View All Ticket Comments in Sugar (Professional and above) - See Zendesk ticket comments directly in the CRM without having to toggle tabs or windows. This feature is particularly helpful if CRM users do not also have a Zendesk account.
View custom modules and fields in Zendesk (Professional and above) - Would you like to show data in Zendesk based on a custom module or field in your CRM? This feature allows any custom modules or fields (with a link to accounts, contacts, or leads) to be displayed in Zendesk.
Free 30-day Trial (All plans) - Try Fanatically Zen risk-free by using a 30-day free trial.
View Zendesk Tickets In Sugar (All plans) - Display Zendesk tickets along with ticket status in your CRM, enabling CRM users to have more information about how frequently and why accounts are reaching out to support. Ensure CRM users aren't caught off guard if a customer has an outstanding issue.
View Sugar Data in Zendesk (All plans) - Display CRM data from the contact, lead, account, and opportunity level. Support agents by giving them added information and context in the midst of an email, call, or chat.
Sugar On-Demand and Self Hosted (All plans) - Plans work efficiently with On-Demand and Self Hosted environments.
Outstanding support (All plans) - Our support never leaves you on your own. Feel free to reach out by email or schedule a meeting at any time!
Unlimited users (All plans) - Only 1 Fanatically Zen subscription needed for all your users. Whether you have 2 agents or 200 in your Zendesk instance, your subscription will work for them all. (If you have more than 1 Zendesk instance, we support that too. Find more information here.)
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